So, I got my wedding dress and I LOVE it! But can I be honest and say the whole experience was a little too much for me. I actually had a really hard time with the entire thing and wasn't really looking forward to it. Isn't that sad!!!!! I felt a TON of pressure to pick the right dress or to have the first one be "perfect". I had cruised threw magazines for months and not one dress stood out to me. They all kinda looked the same after a while. Not to mention that at EVERY shop I went to (6 total) I kept getting lectured that I was "late to the game, and there are going to be fees." It got kinda old, but eventually I kept having the style narrowed down until I found THE dress. not what I had initially thought, but it was the only dress I put on that I felt like me. so WHEW that was over.
I have come to realize that I am not over excited about the wedding, but I am SO excited to be married and super stoked about our honeymoon. We are going here and we get to fly first class/ business class there (Thanks to my mom's expiring airline miles!). I am not sure why I am having this adversion to planning the wedding - maybe it is because this entire "wedding industry" is over priced and I just don't see the point. Invest in your future, not just one day. With all that said... I still want my "day" to be perfect - and if I have shared that with my family and friends, well it will be. That is what matters to me.
101 Days to go.
A month. A MONTH!!!
How has it been almost a month since my last post. As you can tell life has been pretty non-stop busy. So, I am taking some time out to give you all an update.
Much has happened - I am now working with a firm out of Texas that handles Life Settlements - which for those of you who don't know - Is basically investing in life insurance policies. The supreme court ruled back around 1918 that a life insurance policy was deemed property and well there are people who realize they don't need them and can sell them to investors who wish to keep them going and then get the benefits of cashing out the policy. I am really excited about this for a few reasons - 1. I have found I love the world of finance and am currently looking for a full time job in this new world, eventually leading to my stock brokers license. and 2. It is just interesting. Not enough people are knowledgeable about money. If you need some place to start - check out I took his Financial Peace course and that started me on this journey.
anyway... back to my busyness... I am still doing freelance design work here and there, recently started working for the Census, and picked up a part time gig at Macys. (this was pretty much for the discount). The Reverend and I are both pretty excited about this. We are going to need some new stuff and what better way than to get it with a discount!! :) So with all of this - my "work" hours seem a little crazy. I keep telling myself that all this craziness will all be worth it in the end. Let's hope I get there.
Well on top of all that for me - The Reverend has had some changes as well. The biggest one impacting me is that his college minister has stepped down and for the mean time The Rev will be filling in. At this point in time there is no end date to this temporary position, so this means his normal job on top of taking care of the college kids. So, I have jumped in with both feet and am doing my best to help him. So far we are into week 1 of the official "take over" and so far so good... I have a feeling though that these college kids are going to wear me out!!!! HOW, HOW did we stay up so late, function on such little sleep and eat like crap all the time. I am sure you will be hearing more stories as we go along.
Other than that - there are a few more things, but I will not bore you with the details.. things like we are debating whether we sell The Revs house he has back in GA or keep the renters, trying to find a post wedding place to live for us, picking out furniture for said place, crossing my fingers that The Rev can finish off his Doctoral project in time for the wedding so he can graduate in December, making sure the puppy gets out every once in a while :), and trying to find more time in the day.
I feel like I have many wedding details to finalize, but not stressing too much - lots of things coming together and when I have time I try to do something in hopes that later I will have more time.
for now here are some pictures....This is my nephew, Bradley. He is going to be 2 in a few weeks and is SO CUTE!!! a few weeks after his birthday he is going to become a big brother. WOO HOO!!! Still waiting to see if it is a boy or girl. :)
We received our first few wedding presents off our registry! That was fun! Here is The Rev trying to sort through all the boxes. There were about 5 total we had to go through.I started packing up a few things for the move day, Aug 14. I know I am early.. just trying to stay ahead of the ever growing TO-DO list.
EASTER EGGS!!! So, how come this seems more cool than it actually is? This is a lesson in patients because the eggs don't dye as fast as you think they will. still pretty though. :)